IED Casualties Dropped 50% In Afghanistan In 2012 -- USA Today
A flood of surveillance equipment, metal detectors and intensive training have helped spur the decline in casualties from makeshift bombs.
WASHINGTON -- U.S. troop deaths and wounds from makeshift bombs in Afghanistan dropped by almost half in 2012 as Afghan forces take a larger share of fighting and Americans find and defuse more bombs than ever, according to Pentagon data.
Improvised explosive devices -- the top threat in Afghanistan -- killed 104 U.S. troops in 2012 compared with 196 in 2011, a 46% decline. Bombs wounded fewer, too, from 3,542 in 2011 to 1,744 in 2012, a 50% drop.
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Pakistan to Release More Afghan Taliban Detainees -- Voice of America
The case for an enduring mission in Afghanistan -- By Lt. Gen. James M. Dubik, Jeffrey Dressler, Foreign Policy
The Afghan horizon -- Chicago Tribune editorial