The Second Amendment Foundation has sent out an emergency fundraising appeal. We all know what they do and here's the bottom line:
Click here to help with their appeal. And tell a friend.
SAF is facing severe financial cash shortage and will not be able to continue to respond to anti-gunners without your immediate help.Our side doesn't have billionaires and foundations. We rely on individuals. I know times are tough for everybody, and we need to pick and choose where we can make best use of limited resources, but if you can see your way clear to helping, it's needed now. What's also needed is to help spread the word. As an aside, I've seen reports about all kinds of gun owners rushing to join NRA. I won't dissuade anyone from that, but man, can you imagine how the political landscape would be changed if we saw a similar move toward groups like SAF?
Click here to help with their appeal. And tell a friend.