Hagel's Hearing: 7 Things We Learned -- Frank James, NPR
So what did we learn from Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel's sometimes rocky confirmation hearing Thursday before the Senate Armed Services Committee?
1) We learned that the former two-term Republican senator from Nebraska with the reputation for speaking his mind and not sticking to his party's talking points has through the years said lots of things that could be used against him in such a setting.
And they were. Repeatedly.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Analysis On Senator Chuck Hagel's Confirmation Hearing To Be U.S. Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel was bad. And it doesn’t matter. -- Chris Cillizza, Washington Post
Hagel Confirmation Hearing: 6 Clear Takeaways -- David francis, Fiscal Times
Buzz in the Senate: Hagel wasn't so hot in hearing -- CNN
Hagel Defends Stances on Iran, Nuke Reductions -- Rachel Oswald, Global Security Newswire
Chuck Hagel Defense Secretary Confirmation Hearing Leaves Out Strategy Post-Sequester -- David Wood, Huffington Post
This Was The Moment When Chuck Hagel's Confirmation Hearing Went Totally Off The Rails -- Grace Wyler, business Insider
Lindsey Graham Just Crushed Chuck Hagel On The 'Jewish Lobby' Question -- Grace Wyler, Business Insider
Hagel entered rough seas without a paddle -- Marshall True, Examiner
Hagel, Pounded on Israel and Iraq Surge By Some, Likely To Win Confirmation -- Colin Clark, Aol Defense
Then and Now: Hagel on national security issues -- AP/Seattle Times
Hagel Defense nomination will pass -- Michael O'Hanlon, USA Today
Chuck Hagel's Independent Streak Backfires -- Matt Vasilogambros, National Journal
Is Chuck Hagel Failing? -- Michael Hirsh, National Journal
For Hagel, count to 60 -- Jonathan Bernstein, Washington Post
Hagel's Disastrous Hearing Ought to Make 'No' Vote a No-Brainer -- Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart
Chuck Hagel’s disastrous day -- Philip Klein, Washington Examiner
Hagel Stumbles His Way Through Hearing -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Hagel’s Confirmation Hearings Contentious and Partisan -- John Avlon, Daily Beast
Who Won the Chuck Hagel-John McCain Surge Fight? -- Teresa Welsh, USA Today
Chuck Hagel's hectoring aimed at Obama -- Mark Mardell, BBC