GOP Hawks Sound Alarm On Sequester -- The Hill
Two leading Republican defense hawks say they’re worried about the lack of urgency over the sequestration deadline, now just weeks away.
Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) said they aren’t happy with the lack of action in Washington — from both parties — amid a growing sense among lawmakers that the across-the-board cuts are going to take effect on March 1.
“Here we are, a month away, and if you believe the Defense Department … They’re going to tell us we’re destroying the finest military in the history of the world at a time we need it most, and everybody is saying, ‘Well, whatever’ — I can’t explain it,” Graham said.
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My Comment: So the GOP politicians who voted for sequestration a year and a half ago are now upset and surprised that it is going to actually happen .... unbelievable. They have been so outplayed and outmaneuvered on this issue, that I do not even think they are aware of how stupid they look. And here is the punchline .... they are going to be blamed by the public for this mess when it hits everyone next month .... not the Democrats in Congress and not the President in the White House.