Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, conduct a press conference in the Pentagon press briefing room, May 10, 2012. DOD photo by Glenn Fawcett
Senior Military Officials Order Trims As Pentagon Prepares For Shortfall -- Washington Post
Bracing for the possibility of steep congressionally mandated budget cuts, senior military officials have issued directives for fiscal retrenchment that include a 30 percent cut for Army base operations this year, personnel reductions and a halt to unnecessary fighter jet swoops during special events.
The military is ordering these trims reluctantly as the Pentagon prepares for a $52 billion shortfall that it says it will face this fiscal year if Congress and the White House do not reach a deal by March 1 to avoid across-the-board cuts under the scenario known as sequestration. As the deadline approaches, Pentagon officials have lashed out at Congress in unusually stern terms.
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Spokesman: Sequestration Planning Hinders Pentagon -- US Department of Defense
Panetta, Dempsey: DOD Budget Request Reflects Tough Choices -- US Department of Defense
Army directs cost-cutting steps in face of possible budget cuts -- Stars and Stripes
Israel upgrades missile-killer Iron Dome -- Space Daily/UPI
Embarrassment for MoD because new £650million spy planes cannot refuel in mid-air -- Daily Mail
India and Israel deepen defense ties -- Space Daily/UPI
China Finds MREs Irresistible -- Strategy Page
Australia's PM unveils new national security strategy -- The Australian
Japan's Abe treads warily around military shift after Algeria deaths -- Reuters
Japan Launching Spy Satellite To Monitor North Korea -- Defense News/AFP
Cambodia agrees deal to buy army choppers from China -- Global Post
Analysts: Greater Security, Governance Needed After Algeria Crisis -- Voice of America
Malian Army Ill-Equipped to Fight Islamists -- AP
France Brings Bigger Gunships, Heavy Artillery to Mali as Militants Dig In -- Danger Room
Pentagon: US Air Force flying French troops, equipment to Mali -- Stars and Stripes
Pentagon: No Charge to French Forces for U.S. Support -- Defense News
Pentagon Swears U.S. Role in Mali War Is Limited -- Danger Room
Minesweeper Remains Stuck, Teams Begin Assessment -- Defense News
LCS Goes Into The Danger Zone -- Strategy Page
Pentagon researches new life for dead satellites -- Stars and Stripes
Despite Smaller Budget, Air Force Seeks to Protect Satellites -- US Department of Defense
Beale Air Force Base's pilots supply the brains for unarmed Global Hawk drones -- Sacramento Bee
Mighty ZUMWALT Is Coming Together -- Intercepts/Danger Room
This Tech Entrepreneur Is About to Launch the Blackwater of the High Seas -- The Danger
Gen. Allen cleared in email investigation linked to the Petraeus scandal -- McClatchy News
Hagel and McCain Sit Down to Iron Out a Few Differences -- New York Times
Hagel To Face Tough Questions on Iraq, Nuke Cuts -- Defense News
Former Obama Intel Chief: The CIA Should Not Be Allowed To Control Drone Strikes -- Business Insider
U.S. Military Shapes Film Industry's Portrayals On Big Screen -- Huffington Post/AFP
'Restrepo' director has sorrowful Sundance return -- AP
Prince Harry Compares War to PlayStation, and Taliban Are Not Amused -- The Lede/New York Times
Newest Forum for Military’s Ethics Debate: Twitter -- Danger Room