Four Months After Benghazi Attack, Where Are The Killers? -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast
The assault left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead. But intelligence officials say U.S. investigators are making very little headway in finding justice.
Ever since an armed mob torched a U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, President Obama has vowed to bring the killers of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans to justice. Yet four months after the assault, U.S. counterterrorism and intelligence officials tell The Daily Beast that the hunt for those responsible remains stymied by poor cooperation by North African governments.
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My Comment: This is a good explanation on why the investigation has completely stalled.
More News On The Investigation Of The Benghazi Attack
Benghazi investigation falters amid fear of militant reprisals -- Christian Science Monitor
Tunisia frees man held in Benghazi attack -- CNN
Tunisian prosecutors opposed freeing Libya suspect -- AP
GOP Senator: Hillary will testify on Benghazi on Jan. 22nd -- MSNBC
Total number of Benghazi attackers in custody: zero -- John Hayward, Human Events
The key Benghazi questions still unanswered -- Adm. James A. Lyons, Washington Times
The Non-Response to Benghazi, Four Months Later -- Max Boot, Commentary
Ex-Bush aide: Only military action will get justice for Benghazi -- USA Today