Why 'Zero Dark Thirty' Crashed Just Outside The Compound -- Richard Lawson, The Atlantic
At last night's SAG Awards ceremony, Ben Affleck's Argo was given the Best Cast prize, all but ensuring, in many people's minds, that the film will win the Best Picture trophy at the Oscars next month. The last SAG award of the night is usually a good predictor of that Oscar category — they've matched up six out of the last ten times. That Argo, an almost universally well-reviewed film, is getting this kind of awards treatment isn't exactly a surprise, but its late-season trouncing of another film certainly is. Meaning, what happened to Zero Dark Thirty?
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My Comment: I rarely talk about films in this blog but I am a movie junkie .... and I have seen all the films that are in contention for this year's best Oscar. 'Zero Dark Thirty' is this year's best film .... and while I do understand that many are in disagreement with the film's portrayal of torture .... I looked at the film from a point of view that I know that it is not a documentary .... that this is a film geared for entertainment. But I also know that Hollywood does not see things this way .... and more to the point .... they are hostile to those who differ and/or contradict their political biases and agenda. 'Zero Dark Thirty' contradicts their message .... and in recognition of that expect zero Oscars for 'Zero Dark Thirty' next month.