Iran’s New Stealth Fighter: A Fake? -- Harry Kazianis, The Diplomat
As covered yesterday, Iran proudly displayed its supposed new "stealth fighter," dubbed the Qaher F-313, or Conqueror-313. Since the unveiling of the plane, various reporters and defense experts have panned the aircraft as a fake.
John Reed over at Foreign Policy noted: " When I first looked at the plane Saturday morning, I could tell it was bogus. Look at the photos of the cockpit: there's barely any wiring. In fact, it looks like the Iranians dumped some rudimentary flight controls and an ejection seat into a shell molded in what they thought were stealthy angles."
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More News On Reports That Iran's New Jet Fighter Is A Fake
Iran's New 'Super' Stealth Fighter Jet Is Totally Fake -- Atlantic Wire
Aviation Experts Debunk Iran’s Stealth Fighter Jet Claims -- Yahoo News/Trending Now
This is not real: Iran's stealth fighter -- John Reed, Foreign Policy
Iran’s new stealth jet, or is it? -- Defense Tech
My Comment: It looks like Iran's last space launch with a monkey was also a fake.