From Dead Patriot Films:
We’re very close to funding this campaign with only $20,000 to go!
Now, I can hear the pessimists out there saying that there is no way we can raise that type of money in less than 40 hours and I would normally agree, if we hadn’t of raised $27,000 in the same period of time during the last campaign. I also know that we have been running this campaign with fewer donors and five less days. Here are the numbers as of 9 AM PST on Friday:Assaulted I Assaulted II
# of Backers 925 576
Amount Raised
Heading into the $43,000 $50,000
Last 2 Days
Our last two days of the first campaign, we raised $27,050 from 290. That averages out to $96.55 per backer.
If we take our current number of backers and subtract them from the first campaign backers, we have 349 MIA – there are actually more because we have large percentage of new backers. If those missing supporters came in at the current average of $87 per backer, we would raise $30,000 giving us a $10,000 cushion. What a potential to help us reach our goal.
It comes down to just three things that will determine if we're successful – returning backers, increased pledges and new donors.
If you backed the last campaign, please do so again. We’ve come so far in the production in 90-days and we just need a little more of your help to finish this important film. We hope your belief in the need to complete this film is greater now than when you first backed us.
For the new donors, we ask that you consider increasing your pledge. Many of already have, some by ten fold – thank you! Any increase made by 576 of you will make a huge difference.
Finally, encourage your friends to join us by matching your pledge. They’ll get some cool swag and the knowledge that they help all of us make this important film a reality.
Return, Double and Match.