Former naval intelligence officer Jeffrey Paul Delisle enters the courtroom for his sentencing hearing at the provincial court in Halifax on Jan. 31. Stringer/Canada/Reuters
Canadian Spy Trial: Damage Caused By Navy Officer ‘Far Greater’ Than Initially Thought -- Toronto Star
The information passed to the Russians by Jeffrey Paul Delisle put plans and people in danger, court hears.
HALIFAX—A bespectacled naval officer who spied for the Russians has hurt Canada’s intelligence relations with its allies, could put human sources at risk and may badly hinder its own intelligence efforts in the future, federal security experts say, contradicting political claims that the espionage scandal has had little impact.
Officials from Canada’s covert intelligence community came out of the shadows Thursday to lay bare the serious fallout of Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle’s espionage and its potential to haunt Canada far into the future.
Read more ....
Convicted spy Delisle sold CSIS names to Russians, court told -- Globe and Mail
Harm done by navy officer’s espionage still unclear: CSIS official -- CTV
General contradicts MacKay’s assessment of damages caused by Delisle spying -- Globe and Mail
Delisle crumbled during RCMP investigation; 20-year term sought -- Globe and Mail
Lawyers dispute extent of damage done by Canadian spy who sold military secrets to Russia -- National Post/Canadian Press
Canadian Spy Damaged Country's Credibility -- CTV/AP
Canadian prosecutors seek 20-year sentence for spy -- Global Post/AFP
Crown wants navy spy Del
Officials from Canada’s covert intelligence community came out of the shadows Thursday to lay bare the serious fallout of Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle’s espionage and its potential to haunt Canada far into the future.
Read more ....
More News On This Canadian Spy Story
Convicted spy Delisle sold CSIS names to Russians, court told -- Globe and Mail
Harm done by navy officer’s espionage still unclear: CSIS official -- CTV
General contradicts MacKay’s assessment of damages caused by Delisle spying -- Globe and Mail
Delisle crumbled during RCMP investigation; 20-year term sought -- Globe and Mail
Lawyers dispute extent of damage done by Canadian spy who sold military secrets to Russia -- National Post/Canadian Press
Canadian Spy Damaged Country's Credibility -- CTV/AP
Canadian prosecutors seek 20-year sentence for spy -- Global Post/AFP
Crown wants navy spy Del
Harm done by navy officer’s espionage still unclear: CSIS official -- CTV
General contradicts MacKay’s assessment of damages caused by Delisle spying -- Globe and Mail
Delisle crumbled during RCMP investigation; 20-year term sought -- Globe and Mail
Lawyers dispute extent of damage done by Canadian spy who sold military secrets to Russia -- National Post/Canadian Press
Canadian Spy Damaged Country's Credibility -- CTV/AP
Canadian prosecutors seek 20-year sentence for spy -- Global Post/AFP
Crown wants navy spy Delisle jailed for more than 20 years -- Chronicle Herald
Navy spy who sold secrets to Russia apologizes for pain he caused -- CTV
My Comment: The Russians are laughing .... and for causing all of this chaos it only cost them $72,000.
Update: Canada's allies are clamping down as a result of this intelligence failure. (Hat Tip: Eric Palmer blog)
General contradicts MacKay’s assessment of damages caused by Delisle spying -- Globe and Mail
Delisle crumbled during RCMP investigation; 20-year term sought -- Globe and Mail
Lawyers dispute extent of damage done by Canadian spy who sold military secrets to Russia -- National Post/Canadian Press
Canadian Spy Damaged Country's Credibility -- CTV/AP
Canadian prosecutors seek 20-year sentence for spy -- Global Post/AFP
Crown wants navy spy Delisle jailed for more than 20 years -- Chronicle Herald
Navy spy who sold secrets to Russia apologizes for pain he caused -- CTV
My Comment: The Russians are laughing .... and for causing all of this chaos it only cost them $72,000.
Update: Canada's allies are clamping down as a result of this intelligence failure. (Hat Tip: Eric Palmer blog)