Mekong drug lord Naw Kham is restrained by two Chinese police officers. Photo: Xinhua
China Planned Drone Strike In Myanmar -- The Hindu
China considered carrying out its first drone strike beyond its borders last year to take out a gang leader in Myanmar convicted for killing 13 Chinese sailors.
Providing a rare insight into China’s fast-expanding drone capabilities, and willingness to use it, a top official revealed in an interview with a Chinese newspaper that the government had planned to use an unmanned aircraft to bomb an area in neighbouring Myanmar where Naw Kham, the leader of a drug gang, was thought to be in hiding.
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More News On China Planning To Launch Drone Strikes Across It's Borders
China considered drone strike on foreign soil in hunt for drug lord -- South China Post
China Considered Drone Strike Against Drug Lord -- China Digital Times
China considered killing Naw Kham with drone -- Bangkok Post
Chinese Plan to Kill Drug Lord With Drone Highlights Military Advances -- New York Times
China's Killer Drones Didn't Kill a Drug Lord, but Obama's Drones Could Have -- Alexander Abad-Santos, The Atlantic Wire
Just a Little Heads Up: China Can Also Kill People with Drones -- Motherboard
China now considering drone strikes in its drug war -- Passport/Foreign Policy
My Comment: The Chinese made the decision that capturing him was preferable over killing him .... for the simple reason that they wanted to put him on trial. Hmmm .... this Chinese policy may change in the future but for now they are pursuing a policy that is the complete opposite from what the U.S. is now doing.