Chinese Cyberspies Have Hacked Most Washington Institutions, Experts Say -- Washington Post
Start asking security experts which powerful Washington institutions have been penetrated by Chinese cyberspies, and this is the usual answer: almost all of them.
The list of those hacked in recent years includes law firms, think tanks, news organizations, human rights groups, contractors, congressional offices, embassies and federal agencies.
The information compromised by such intrusions, security experts say, would be enough to map how power is exercised in Washington to a remarkably nuanced degree. The only question, they say, is whether the Chinese have the analytical resources to sort through the massive troves of data they steal every day.
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My Comment: The Chinese are continuing to deny being involved in cyber warfare. But as you can tell in the above video .... the Chinese definitely do not like having the building where Unit 61398 (China's cyberwar division) resides.