Arming Syria Will Hinder Peace -- Ian Garner and Jeremy Presto, National Interest
The Obama administration’s Syria policy again came under fire after outgoing Defense Secretary Panetta revealed that high level administration support in favor of arming the Syrian opposition was overruled by the president and the White House. Critics of the president’s handling of the Syrian conflict seized on this as another example of him leading from behind and being overly cautious when it came to using U.S. power to influence events and outcomes during the Arab uprisings. Some commentators even went further, saying that the Obama administration had absorbed the lessons of the Iraq war to a point of paralysis, and that the time to arm the Syrian rebels is now.
In the words of the Russian revolutionary Nikolai Chernyshevsky, what is to be done?
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Is Russia part of the problem or the solution in Syria? -- Samira Shackle, Middle East Monitor
Damascus blasts show us Assad barely controls his own capital -- Stephen Starr, Globe and Mail
Obama needs a Plan B for Syria -- Vance Serchuk, Washington Post
Syria: The death of a country -- The Economist
Syria’s civil war: The country formerly known as Syria -- The Economist
Does Obama really want a deal with Iran? -- Pepe Escobar, Al Jazeera
U.S. needs to show Egypt some tough love -- Robert Kagan and Michele Dunne, Washington Post
Raising the Senkaku stakes? -- Brian A. Victoria, Japan Times
Shinzo Abe’s new agenda: Better ties with U.S. -- Fred Hiatt, Washington Post
Is China fueling the illegal timber trade? -- Elizabeth F. Ralph, Passport/Foreign Policy
David Cameron in India: Should U.K. Apologize for Its Imperial Past? -- Ishaan Tharoor, Time
AAA Rating Loss Could Mean UK Bank Collapse And Deflation - Andrew Lilico, Telegraph
Horsing Around with the Global Food Chain -- Nayan Chanda, Real Clear World
Ecuador’s president, suppressing the media -- Washington Post editorial
Asset Freezes Among Steps Obama Urged to Take on Cyber Thieves -- Chris Strohm, Bloomberg
Middle East Tour d’Horizon: Advice for Obama and Kerry as they plan their next trips abroad. -- Clifford D. May, NRO