President Lee Myung-bak, center, with aides during a meeting last week after North Korea’s detonation of a nuclear explosive. Reuters
S. Korean President Issues Warning To North -- Voice of America
SEOUL — In a farewell speech to the nation six days before leaving office, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak on Tuesday warned Pyongyang its missiles and weapons are taking the North “closer and closer to a dead-end.”
Lee alerted his compatriots to hastily prepare for reunification of the Korean peninsula. The president asserted that “even though the North Korean regime is refusing to change, its citizens are quickly changing and nobody can block that.
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Update: Departing South Korean president warns of isolation for North Korea over recent nuclear test -- Washington Post/AP
My Comment: He is the departing South Korea President .... so his comments are that of a leader about to retire .... but his revelation that South Korea pushed for a 2009 summit with North Korea and how it unfolded is news .... with money being the main condition (and obstacle) from North Korea for a meet.