Photo Credit: US Navy
How US Military Plans To Carry Cut Obama's 'Pivot To Asia' -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor
A US policy shift toward Asia means a greater role for the Navy. Even pre-'pivot to Asia,' it already stationed half its ships in the region, and it is developing a new 'afloat forward staging base' in the Pacific.
The Pentagon's No. 2 official, Ashton Carter, picked a telling time to discuss the US military's plans for its new strategic focus on the Asia-Pacific.
At Europe's premier security conference in Munich, Germany, this month, Mr. Carter took the opportunity to reassure concerned NATO allies, among others, that America's focus on Asia would not mean its abandonment of Europe. Some US partners have been concerned that even the phrase "pivot to Asia" implies that the United States would be turning its back on Europe.
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My Comment: Fred Hiatt provides a good explanation on why America is 'pivoting' to Asia. Other commentators believe we should shift to Africa. As to what is my take .... I always remember General MacArthur and his warning that America should stay out of Asia's wars .... but warnings aside the decision has been made to focus on Asia, and to play the role of being the stabilizing influence in a region that is becoming increasingly unstable..