Dems Clueless About Combat -- Russ Vaughn, American Thinker
Warfare has progressed geometrically since I was a young sergeant on the ground in Vietnam. The huge advances in computers and electronics have given our American forces capabilities never before possessed in any of our previous wars. Among the most widely known of these is drone warfare, wherein an unmanned, armed, aerial vehicle enters enemy airspace, guided by an office-based pilot somewhere many thousands of miles from the actual conflict, and launches lethal missiles against detected targets.
To this old infantryman's way of thinking, that is a great concept. The idea of being able to win wars from the air goes back to WWI; the concept was used to great effect in WWII, when strategic bombings in Germany and Japan greatly degraded the fighting ability of both those countries and undoubtedly saved tens of thousands of American servicemen's lives. I can't begin to express my gratitude to those Air Force and Naval aviators who flew over my ground positions and delivered lethal ordinance on my enemies in the hills, mountains, and rice paddies of South Vietnam. But for them, I might not be writing this.
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My Comment: I am not a "liberal Democrat" .... but I do see the value of having such a medal. Should it be the same (or better) as a Bronze Star .... I would definitely say no .... but even if it is I suspect that among the men and women within the military they will probably recognize the drone medal for what it is .... and a Bronze Star for what it is .... even though "it's official level and status" may say something else.
Update: Burn Pit is on a tear over the drone medal. Go here for the link. Hat Tip: Bring the heat. Bring the Stupid.