Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 2, 2013

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan travels through the Pacific Ocean with other ships assigned to the Rim of the Pacific 2010 exercise, north of Hawaii, July 24, 2010. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Dylan McCord

U.S. Navy Will Cancel Maintenance On 23 Ships On Feb. 15; Small Shipyards, Readiness At Risk -- Aol Defense

WASHINGTON: The cliff is closer than you think. Pop quiz: When does congressional gridlock start to undermine military readiness? March 2nd, when the automatic cuts known as sequestration will begin to go into effect? March 27, when the Continuing Resolution now funding the government on a stop-gap basis will expire?

Give up? It's February 15, when the Navy will start to cancel $604 million of major maintenance on 23 warships. (This date applies to the major maintenance work across the services, but it's tougher on the Navy for reasons explained below.)

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Israel's Strike On Syria Was A Brilliant Tactical Move -- Business Insider

Iran president unveils Qaher-313 indigenous fighter jet -- Press TV

China poised to control Pakistani port vital for economic and perhaps military interests -- Washington Post/AP

NATO Urges Lithuania to Increase Defense Spending -- RIA Novosti

Russia to Prioritize Military Industry - PM Medvedev -- RIA Novosti

Russian Navy Chief Attends Mistral Lay-Down Ceremony in France -- RIA Novosti

Iconic section of Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier ready for delivery -- BAE Systems

The SAS: a special force that's needed more than ever -- The Telegraph

Germany Aims to Acquire Armed Drones

Asian space race reflects sharpened U.S.-China rivalry -- L.A. Times

U.S. Nuclear Marketers Visited Saudi Arabia, As Trade Talks Under Way -- Global Security Newswire

S. Korea, US in naval drill amid N. Korea tensions -- Space Daily/AFP

Warnings of Okinawa terrorism
-- Space Daily/UPI

Italian court convicts 3 Americans in CIA kidnapping -- NBC

Pentagon to keep Africa Command headquarters in Europe -- Reuters

U.S. limited in fight against N. Africa threats -- Army Times/AP

F-22 Raptors need helmet-mounted cueing system to take full advantage of AIM-9X
-- Flight Global

Defense positions a military cyber squad on DHS turf -- NextGov

Navy Budget Cuts Threaten Thousands of Local Jobs In San Diego -- NBC

Alcohol banned in Alaska Army barracks
-- Army Times/AP

'Tackle crazed gunmen with SCISSORS or just hide under your desk': Homeland Security's controversial advice video for fighting lone wolf shooter -- Daily Mail

Pentagon policy chief: Furloughs are not a sure thing
-- Government Executive

Hagel emerges with solid Dem support for Pentagon
-- AP

Fashion Advice at the DIA: 'Makeup Makes You More Attractive'
-- US News and World Report

Army special ops helicopters opening for women -- AP

Survey: 17 percent of Marines would leave with women in combat -- AP

Study: Sleep Disorders Rampant in Military --

Number of unemployed veterans up 150,000 in four months -- Stars and Stripes

Record 325 suspected Army suicides in 2012 -- Army Times

22 veterans commit suicide each day: VA report -- NBC

Report: Veterans suicides may be underestimated
-- Army Times

Military Drills and Black Helicopters in U.S. Cities Spark Panic -- New American

Petition asks Obama to allow burial of service dogs at military cemeteries -- Government Executive

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