Leaked U.S. Justification For Drone Killings Assailed As Rewriting Definition Of ‘Imminent Threat’ -- McClatchy News
WASHINGTON — Civil and human rights advocates Tuesday denounced a leaked Obama administration “white paper” that sets out the legal justification for killing U.S. citizens suspected of being members of al Qaida, an issue certain to arise during the confirmation hearing Thursday of White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan to be CIA director.
The White House on Tuesday defended the practice of targeted killing, for which Brennan is a key overseer, as “legal . . . ethnical and . . . wise.” But spokesman Jay Carney rejected anew calls by lawmakers and others for the administration to release a secret 2010 Justice Department legal opinion on which the leaked Justice Department white paper was based.
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Revealed: CIA runs secret airbase in Saudi Arabia to launch deadly drone attacks against in Al Qaeda in Yemen -- Daily Mail
Report: Numerous countries involved in CIA interrogation programs -- CNN
Obama’s CIA pick Brennan, once stung by waterboarding, now opposes it -- Washington Post
Former Australian commander warns of avalanche of serious trauma cases -- The Australian
Ex-U.S. Navy SEAL's killing puts focus on war's psychological toll -- Reuters
Slayings highlight risks of 'gun therapy' for veterans -- Stars and Stripes/AP
U.S., allies ready more anti-mine drills as Iran tensions simmer -- Reuters
Boeing Committed to India's Growing Aerospace Industry -- Space Daily
Austria Keeps Military Draft, Orders 70 Recruits To Prepare Beloved Ski Slopes -- Business Insider
China To Japan: Boo, We Could Have Killed You; Radar Painting Escalates Dispute -- Aol Defense
Trident is no longer key to Britain’s security -- The Telegraph
UK's F-35 variant switch wasted £100 million -- Flight Global
Chinese Navy commissions 'new type' guide missile destroyer -- Zee News
US Africa Command headquarters to stay in Germany -- Stars and Stripes
Military expands its drug war in Latin America -- Navy Times/AP
Global naval maintenance costs seen rising -- Space Daily/UPI
New Waterjets Could Propel LCS to Greater Speeds -- ASD News
U.S. Navy gets sixth P-8A Poseidon -- UPI
It's Great Time To Run V-22 Osprey Program; POTUS Duty, Multiyear, Safety -- Aol Defense
The Radio With Infinite Range -- Strategy Page
New U.S. Army Memo Details ‘Devastating’ Effects of Cuts -- Defense News
Army Chief Odierno's 'Foreign Policy' Piece Shouts Into The Sequestration Wind -- Aol Defense
Memo says sequester would destroy BCT training -- Army Times
Stavridis Presses to Close Language, Cultural Skills Gap -- US Department of Defense
Lockheed Offers Buyouts to Employees; Layoffs Possible -- Defense News
Pentagon likely to extend benefits to same-sex military spouses -- Stars and Stripes
Round Two: Two more women sign up for Marine officer course -- The E-Ring
A comforting arm to curb Army suicides -- Christian Science Monitor editorial
Intellectual Property Meets Military Technology -- Robert Farley, The Diplomat
How the CIA Is Hurting the Fight Against Polio -- Charles Kenny, Bloomberg Businessweek
How to lose great leaders? Ask the Army -- Tim Kane, Washington Post
Seven Elements Of Obama's Leaked Drone Memo That Should Alarm Americans -- Business Insider