Ex-Sniper Extended Hand To Troubled Marine Accused In His Death -- New York Times
LANCASTER, Tex. — On Saturday, when Chris Kyle, a retired Navy SEAL sniper, parked his truck outside Eddie Ray Routh’s house in this Dallas suburb, the two men were virtual strangers. Their plan was to spend the afternoon at a remote shooting range, one of Mr. Kyle’s techniques for helping struggling veterans adjust to civilian life.
But by the evening, the police had arrested Mr. Routh, charging him with the shooting deaths of Mr. Kyle and another man, Chad Littlefield.
Mr. Kyle’s friends said he did not know Mr. Routh well — Mr. Kyle became lost trying to find the house, and had to ask a neighbor for directions — but he knew Mr. Routh’s mother, Jodi Routh, who had recently asked for help for her son, a former Marine who spent 15 days in a nearby jail last year after a drunken-driving arrest, and who the authorities said had a history of mental illness.
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My Comment: He died doing what he wanted to do .... helping vets who have problems in adjusting to civilian life .... and now he will be missed. Our prayers are with his family and with the family of Chad Littlefield.