Chart: Congressional Research Service
The Cost Of War Includes At Least 253,330 Brain Injuries and 1,700 Amputations -- Danger Room
Here are indications of the lingering costs of 11 years of warfare. Nearly 130,000 U.S. troops have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and vastly more have experienced brain injuries. Over 1,700 have undergone life-changing limb amputations. Over 50,000 have been wounded in action. As of Wednesday, 6,656 U.S. troops and Defense Department civilians have died.
That updated data (.pdf) comes from a new Congressional Research Service report into military casualty statistics that can sometimes be difficult to find — and even more difficult for American society to fully appreciate. It almost certainly understates the extent of the costs of war.
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My Comment: These are U.S. casualties .... I imagine that for Iraq and Afghanistan the casualties are multiple times these numbers.