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Source: Staff reports. By Craig Whitlock and Laris Karklis/The Washington Post. Published on June 13, 2012.
Report: US Intelligence Lacks Resources To Fight al Qaeda In Africa -- The Hill
U.S. intelligence agencies lack the necessary means and manpower to dismantle al Qaeda's rapidly growing presence in Africa on their own, becoming increasingly dependent on local forces to take that fight to the group's terror cells on the continent.
The relatively small network of intelligence assets Washington currently has in place in Africa pales in comparison to the number of similar American assets in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq, a U.S. intelligence official told The Associated Press on Sunday.
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My Comment: I guess this explains the minimal role that the U.S. has played in the Mali war, a secondary role in the Libyan revolution that overthrew Gaddafi, U.S. inability to capture the terrorists who killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, failure to predict the Arab Spring, and zero presence in many of Africa's conflicts. Should this change .... should more resources be allocated .... I think we should have that debate now.
Update: This is a must read story from The Washington Post .... U.S. counterterrorism efforts in Africa defined by a decade of missteps.