The White House press corps on Sunday expressed frustration with the lack of access given to President Obama this weekend, during his trip to Florida.
White House Correspondents Association President Ed Henry released a statement Sunday evening, saying that the press corps had not been given adequate access to the president and that the group would press for “transparency” in the future, according to a pool report.
"Speaking on behalf of the White House Correspondents Association, I can say a broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend,” said Henry. “There is a very simple but important principle we will continue to fight for today and in the days ahead: transparency."
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Update: W.H. press corps: 'Extreme frustration' over 'having absolutely no access' to Obama -- Politico
My Comment: If you were spending the weekend with Tiger Woods .... would you want the Press Corps to be hanging around?