The Assad Family: Where Are They Now? -- The Economist
A CAR bomb in Damascus on February 21st was the latest violence to hit the capital where many members of President Bashar Assad’s ruling cabal remain in place. Rebel forces have taken over villages and towns in the east and north of Syria and around Damascus, while Mr Assad's allies have consolidated their grip along the north-south axis from Damascus, through Homs and Hama, to the coastal area around the port of Latakia. Power is concentrated within an ever smaller circle: the Assad family, the Makhloufs—Mr Assad’s mother's relatives—and a handful of security chiefs. Defections have mostly been from the lower ranks of the army and government, both largely powerless. Some family members have left the country but those left are believed to be hunkering down on and around Mount Qassioun in Damascus, in heavily fortified palaces which they can more easily defend and from whose heights they can shell the areas around them.
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My Comment: After 70,000 killed, tens of thousands wounded, hundreds of thousands (if not millions) destitute .... the hatred towards this family must be incredibly intense. The top members of this family now have only two destinies to follow .... (1) be heavily protected by scores of bodyguards in Syria or in another country for the rest of their lives, or (2) death.