Why Didn’t Senators Ask Hagel The Question That Matters? -- The Sweathed Sword/Foreign Policy
Putative secretary of defense Chuck Hagel had his baptism-by-fire yesterday at the Senate Armed Services Committee. It was all theater. One of its most striking features was the absence of almost any serious attention to the challenge he will actually face if he is confirmed: the management of a defense drawdown.
No senator focused on the Pentagon's long-term budget and management challenges. Not one. While a few asked about the looming sequester, the answers were anodyne. Only Sen. McCaskill asked about whether the department needed to have an auditable financial statement by 2017.
No senator focused on the Pentagon's long-term budget and management challenges. Not one. While a few asked about the looming sequester, the answers were anodyne. Only Sen. McCaskill asked about whether the department needed to have an auditable financial statement by 2017.
No senator focused on the Pentagon's long-term budget and management challenges. Not one. While a few asked about the looming sequester, the answers were anodyne. Only Sen. McCaskill asked about whether the department needed to have an auditable financial statement by 2017.
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My Comment: If you bother to watch the above 6 hours of testimony, you will quickly find out that the reason why the important budgetary/draw-down questions were not asked was for the simple reason that the US Senators knew that Chuck Hagel would not have a clue on how to answer them.
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My Comment: If you bother to watch the above 6 hours of testimony, you will quickly find out that the reason why the important budgetary/draw-down questions were not asked was for the simple reason that the US Senators knew that Chuck Hagel would not have a clue on how to answer them.