Holder Does Not Rule Out Drone Strike Scenario In U.S. -- CNN
Washington (CNN) -- Attorney General Eric Holder is not entirely ruling out a scenario under which a drone strike would be ordered against Americans on U.S. soil, but says it has never been done previously and he could only see it being considered in an extraordinary circumstance.
His comments released on Tuesday were prompted by questions raised over the nomination of John Brennan to head the CIA. Specifically, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee sought the Obama administration's legal rationale for its use of drones to kill terror suspects overseas.
But Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican who has said he would do what he could to hold up Brennan's nomination until he got a full answer to his query, wanted to know whether the administration considered that policy applicable domestically.
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More News On Attorney General Holder's Comments That The U.S. President Can Order A Drone Strike On U.S. Soil
Holder: No drone strikes in US, except in 'extraordinary circumstance' -- NBC
President Could, In Theory, Order Drone Strike Inside U.S., Holder Says -- NPR
Holder: Drone strike against Americans in the U.S. possible -- CNN
Holder: Obama could order lethal force in U.S. -- Politico
Eric Holder: Drone Strike To Kill U.S. Citizen On American Soil Legal, Hypothetically -- Huffington Post
Attorney General Holder responds to Senator Rand Paul's drone inquiry -- Examiner
The President Can Drone You Under Certain Circumstances, Obviously -- Dan Amira, New York Magazine
My Comment: If I am reading this correctly .... but according to Attorney General Holder .... President Obama can order the killing of an American on U.S. soil by a drone strike. Wow .... so much for checks and balances?