China's weapons exports grew 162 per cent between 2008-2012, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (Credit: Reuters)
Report: China Replaces U.K. in Top 5 Arms Exporters -- Defense News/AFP
BEIJING — China has overtaken Britain to become the world’s fifth largest arms exporter with five percent of the global trade, its highest position since the Cold War, a Swedish think tank said Monday.
It is the first time Britain has not figured in the top five weapons suppliers since 1950, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI) said in a report. China’s arms exports in 2008-2012 grew by 162 percent compared with the previous five years, with 55 percent going to Pakistan “due to large outstanding and planned orders for combat aircraft, submarines and frigate.”
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More News On China Becoming The World' 5th Largest Arms Exporter
China defends arms trade regime following report ranking China as fifth largest exporter -- Washington Post/AP
China replaces Britain in world's top five arms exporters - report -- Reuters
China becomes world's fifth largest arms exporter -- AP
China Replaces U.K. in U.S.-Led Top-Five Arms-Export List -- Bloomberg Businessweek
China overtakes U.K. as fifth-largest arms exporter; U.S. still No. 1 -- Washington Times
China Edges Out U.K. As World's Fifth-Largest Arms Supplier -- NPR
China becomes the fifth largest global arms exporter -- Deutsche Welle
China now among top 5 arms exporters -- UPI
China becomes world’s 5th largest arms exporter -- Euronews
China Surges Past Britain To Become The Fifth Largest Arms Exporter In The World -- Business Insider/International Business Times
New SIPRI Report Highlights China’s Export Rise -- Defense News
China ranks 5th in arms exports -- Radio Australia
China is now the world's fifth-largest arms exporter -- Killer APPS/Foreign Policy