Assuming the story is as related: Earl sounds like a real douche who deserves to be knocked on his ass and have his damn gun fed to him. [Read]
The husband sounds like a real puss too. Strap 'em on lady, and refuse to enter that house or have anything to do with the alcoholic unless he is sober and repentant. And teach your kids gun safety and what to do when someone is being stupid dangerous.
As for the unsecured loaded weapons, I'm no fan of the one-size-fits-all lock 'em up unloaded mantra, or, as some call it, pitchfork murderer-enablement. There are ways to maintain control, but they sure don't involve getting drunk and leaving things lyin
As for the unsecured loaded weapons, I'm no fan of the one-size-fits-all lock 'em up unloaded mantra, or, as some call it, pitchfork murderer-enablement. There are ways to maintain control, but they sure don't involve getting drunk and leaving things lyin
As for the unsecured loaded weapons, I'm no fan of the one-size-fits-all lock 'em up unloaded mantra, or, as some call it, pitchfork murderer-enablement. There are ways to maintain control, but they sure don't involve getting drunk and leaving things lying around for anybody to find.
[Via Michael G]
[Via Michael G]