Iraq Reconstruction Report Documents Waste, Corruption -- Al-Monitor
If the United States ever tries to rebuild another broken country — say, Syria — it should focus on security, start small and make sure there are independent people on the ground to monitor the projects from the start.
These are among the common-sense lessons gleaned from the checkered record of Iraq, where the US has spent nearly $60 billion on so-called stabilization and reconstruction — of which at least $8-10 billion was wasted due to lack of security, poorly executed contracts and corruption, according to a new report.
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More News On The Special U.S. Auditor's Report On Iraq's Rebuilding Aid Program
Much of $60B from U.S. to rebuild Iraq wasted, special auditor's final report to Congress shows -- CBS/AP
Report Details Mistakes Made by U.S. in Improvement Projects for Iraq -- New York Times
Report: Iraq reconstruction failed to result in lasting, positive changes -- Washington Post
Iraq Rebuilding Marred by $9 Billion Loss, Auditor Says -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Iraq: $60 billion and nothing to show -- UPI
Rebuilding Iraq Wasted $1,500 of Your Tax Dollars Per Minute -- Atlantic Wire
Over $8B of the Money You Spent Rebuilding Iraq Was Wasted Outright -- Danger Room
WNU Editor: The Special Inspector General's report is here.