The Latest Front In A Long War -- New York Times
HISTORY has often shown that military victories do not automatically translate into political success. This is true in the recent military victory of French and government of Mali forces in their fight against radical Islamist insurgents who tried to seize power in the North African nation. The small victory in Mali is just the beginning of what will likely be a very long struggle for control of the Sahel — the trans-Saharan badlands that stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea.
We all know now that President George W. Bush was premature when he said in 2003 that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended” as he stood in front of a banner reading “Mission Accomplished.” It would be equally premature today to say that success in Mali signals the defeat of jihadist forces in the Sahel.
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My Comment: This region of the world makes Pakistan's tribal regions and the mountains of Yemen seem small and insignificant in comparison. Bottom line .... this region covers enormous territory, it is terribly poor and desolate, and there is little if any government state control or influence. In short .... a perfect breeding ground for extremists and Al Qaeda affiliates.