Mexican Drug Cartels: ‘The Most Serious Threat The US Has Faced From Organized Crime’ -- RT
Mexican drug cartels — the same groups credited with taking tens of thousands of innocent lives through brutal murders during the last few years — have infiltrated the United States.
In an exposé published by The Associated Press this week, reporter Michael Tarm cites an extensive review of federal court cases, government drug-enforcement data and interviews with top law enforcement officials to back up the claim that violent drug lords from south of the border have established bases within the US that are now working as remote hubs for international narcotics rings.
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More News On The Mexican Drug Cartel Moving Into The U.S.
Mexican drug cartels move deeper into US to tighten grip on narcotics market -- The Guardian
Cartels send agents to US, including Chicago burbs -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Mexican Drug Cartels Are Sending Deputies Deep Inside The US -- Business Insider
Mexican drug cartels using covert agents inside U.S. -- Examiner
Mexican Drug Cartels Moving Deeper Into US; Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman Named Chicago's Public Enemy Number 1 -- Latin Times
Mexican Drug Cartels Have an "Emboldened Presence" in the United States -- Gather
Mexican Cartels Push Deep Into US -- Newser
Mexican Drug Cartels Biggest Threat To Texas And Its Residents -- FOX News
My Comment: All my friends who live in Mexico tell me the same thing .... we have not seen anything yet.