War Game Plays Out Poorly -- CNN
Imagine the North Korean regime has toppled, either because the U.S. or South Korea take it out, or because of a coup, and the U.S. has to surge troops to secure the country's nuclear stockpiles to make sure they do not fall into the wrong hands.
The frightening scenario was played out at the U.S. Army War College recently, and it did not end well. The military sets the scene in the fictitious land of "North Brownland," essentially an alias for North Korea.
"It was a family regime that had nuclear weapons, lost control of nuclear weapons. The population was considered to be so brainwashed, and we had a staging area with a country in the south," said Paul McLeary of Defense News. McLeary was present as the military officials debated the plans.
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My Comment: I agree with this dismal assessment .... even if the North Korean government collapses, the outcome will be unpredictable and incredibly dangerous for any foreign force to intervene. The ones who will be doing the heavy lifting will be the South Koreans .... but even their resources are limited.