By Unknown Monday, April 8, 2013 The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Clubs If you survive the first wave, the spoils left on the field will be yours. If you don't... [Read][Via Florida Guy] Related Posts :Merry Christmas 2006"Shooter"This Day in History: December 29Banned Forever!Phillipines: We're the Only Ones Exempted EnoughApocalyptoThe Wrong HandsWe're the Only Ones Audited EnoughDial "B" for BATFU"Just a Victim of Circumstances"This Day in History: December 25We're the Only Ones Filial EnoughWe're the Only Ones Sobbing EnoughSniff Dogg Redfines Hypocrisy and GallMerry Christmas, Wayne FincherReturn from Mountain ParadiseThis Day in History: December 26This Day in History: December 24This Day in History: December 28Letter from Wayne Fincher Grab The Post URL URL: HTML link code: <a href="">bloggernizer: The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Clubs "clickable"</a> BB (forum) link code: [url=]bloggernizer: The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Clubs "clickable"[/url]