People pray on their knees during the funeral as the bodies are laid to rest. Daily Mail
How Much Does the U.S. Pay for Accidentally Killing a Civilian in a Drone Strike? -- Cora Currier, ProPublica/The Atlantic Wire
The U.S. drone war remains cloaked in secrecy, and as a result, questions swirl around it. Who exactly can be targeted? When can a U.S. citizen be killed?
Another, perhaps less frequently asked question: What happens when innocent civilians are killed in drone strikes?
In February, during his confirmation process, CIA director John Brennan offered an unusually straightforward explanation: "Where possible, we also work with local governments to gather facts, and, if appropriate, provide condolence payments to families of those killed."
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My Comment: I agree with General James Conway's remarks on these payments ....
.... "It doesn't make anything right. It does make it a little better from a public relations perspective."
I know in my case, losing a loved one through violence can never be replaced with blood money.