Like It or Not, War Is Interested in You -- Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison, American Thinker
One of the most famous sayings of the Bolshevik revolutionary Leon Trotsky was this: "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you." It's one of the few correct things that violent Communist ever said.
President Obama is clearly not interested in war. And he has stacked his administration with people who are similarly not interested. This is especially true when it comes to Islamist terrorists. They may make war on us, but to Mr. Obama and his minions, these are "man-caused disasters" or, preferably, domestic crimes to be dealt with in the normal course of the administration of justice.
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My Comment: Fortunately .... with the exception of the White House and much of the media .... the mass majority of Americans are aware of Islamic extremism and the dangers that Jihadists can bring. Most are also aware of the role that Islam plays in motivating these extremists .... and how it is often used to justify their acts of terror. As to why our political/media/academic elites continue to push positions of political correctness and continue to deny the role that Islamic extremism plays is .... after much thought ... still beyond me. But I do know one thing .... with each terror incident .... both here and abroad .... these official U.S. government positions only look more and more tenuous at best.