UN Head Seeks Putin Support For Olympic Truce. © RIA Novosti. Alexey Druzhinin
UN Head Seeks Putin Support For Olympic Truce -- RIA Novosti
SOCHI, May 17 (RIA Novosti) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, the host city for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, said on Friday he hoped the Russian government would back a UN General Assembly resolution calling for observation of an Olympic Truce during the event.
The Olympic Truce, suspending armed conflict during the games, was originally held by the ancient Greeks. The tradition was revived by the International Olympic Committee in 1992, and in 1993, the General Assembly urged Member States to observe the Olympic Truce from the seventh day before the opening to the seventh day following the closing of each Olympic Games.
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My Comment: I global truce during the Olympics is a great idea. But who will listen .... and who will not.