Spy On Your Neighbours, Says Former MI5 Head Stella Rimington -- The Telegraph
People who suspect their neighbours may be extremists should inform the security services because “the enemy is everywhere”, the former head of MI5 has said.
Dame Stella Rimington invoked the wartime spirit as she said the public had a duty to act as the “eyes and ears” of the security services in combating terrorists.
She made the plea as she warned that MI5 could not be expected to spot every danger and that further attacks were likely unless Britain wanted a “Stasi” state where everyone was monitored.
However, Dame Stella, who was Director General of MI5 from 1992 to 1996, said she supported the Conservatives’ plans to give the police and spy agencies the power to monitor every phone call, email and web visit.
She also warned against using drones to gather intelligence saying they should only be “weapons of war”.
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My Comment: Growing up in the Soviet Union .... this is exactly what we were being told to do by Communist officials. And granted .... the Britain of today is not even remotely close to what the Soviet Union was .... it is still unnerving for someone like me to hear a government official (even a retired one) talk like that.