World Press Freedom Declines -- Voice of America
WASHINGTON — Just one out of six people across the globe enjoyed a free press last year. Freedom House President David Kramer says the global decline in press freedom is a huge concern.
"A free press is critical to any country's democratic development. It acts as a check and balance. It acts as a check on corruption. It promotes transparency. It promotes good government, and so a free press is indispensable," Kramer said.
The report says the percentage of people enjoying a free media environment fell to its lowest point in more than a decade due to repression by authoritarian regimes, political instability and threats from radical Islamists.
Mansour Ali is a reporter in the tribal areas of Pakistan, one of 64 countries the group says is "unfree" for media.
Read more ....
World Press Freedom Day: a guide to press freedom around the world -- The Guardian
The 10 worst countries for journalists -- Standard Examiner/Foreign Policy
World Press Freedom Day: a guide to press freedom around the world -- The Guardian
The 10 worst countries for journalists -- Standard Examiner/Foreign Policy
World Press Freedom Day: a guide to press freedom around the world -- The Guardian
The 10 worst countries for journalists -- Standard Examiner/Foreign Policy
Report: World Media Freedom At Low Point -- Radio Free Europe
Journalists remembered on World Press Freedom Day -- Euronews
Global Press Freedom Looks Pretty Shaky, Says Freedom House -- Reason
Press freedom slumps as regimes crack down on new media -- Toronto Star
In too much of the world, press freedom remains a dream -- Annie Game, The Globe and Mail
World Press Freedom Day: Bloggers reflect -- BBC
Majorities in Most Countries Perceive Their Media as Free -- Gallup