You know, that cowardly little Borg pustule Maher, who obviously has no line in the sand he personally would defend... [Read]
I've noticed an uptick in this "Resistance is Futile" meme of late--along with the "we'll never have tyranny because we have Democracy" line.
On the one hand, I'm encouraged to see our enemies are so ignorant. On the other hand, I'm concerned that the less apprehension they have, the more likely they are to start something. I'd chalk it up to bluster, except there are plenty of disturbing indications that many of them actually believe their own hype.
[Via bondmen]
I've noticed an uptick in this "Resistance is Futile" meme of late--along with the "we'll never have tyranny because we have Democracy" line.
On the one hand, I'm encouraged to see our enemies are so ignorant. On the other hand, I'm concerned that the less apprehension they have, the more likely they are to start something. I'd chalk it up to bluster, except there are plenty of disturbing indications that many of them actually believe their own hype.
[Via bondmen]