Woolwich Attack Video: Watch Full Extended Footage Of Terrorists Charging At Police Car In Attempt To Kill WPC -- Daily Mirror
The film of the terrifying attack shows how suspect Michael Adebolajo got within two feet of the WPC who was driving the armed response BMW X5
This shocking footage shows how the brave WPC first on the scene at the Woolwich beheading came within inches of death.
The female driver, unable to draw her firearm, is saved by a male colleague in the back who fires his machine-gun through his window at a suspect who is charging at her.
The callous Islamic extremists had lured police to the scene by dragging the body of the murdered fusilier – named yesterday as Lee Rigby, 25 – into the middle of the road.
When they see the first police car arrive, the pair split up.
Blade-wielding Michael Adebolajo, 28, runs at officers head-on and his accomplice, named locally as 22-year-old Michael Oluwatobi Adebowale, advances alongside, aiming his gun at them.
The film of the 10 seconds of terror shows how Adebolajo got within two feet of the WPC who was driving the armed response BMW X5.
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My Comment: This video footage is incredible. It looks like the reason why these two murderers did not flee the scene was that they were waiting for law enforcement to show-up and to inflict even more casualties. The above video is from YouTube, but you will have to go to the Daily Mirror (click here) for a clearer and extended look at what had happened. In short .... law enforcement had to act immediately and with deadly force .... their lives were clearly at risk.