The poorly regulated trade in arms has adverse humanitarian, human rights and development consequences. Photo: OCHA/ Jihan El Alaily
Nations Line Up To Sign U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, U.S. Not Yet -- Reuters
(Reuters) - Delegates from dozens of countries gathered in New York on Monday and signed the first treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade, but the United States was not among them.
On April 2, the 193-nation U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty that aims to keep weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers and criminals.
Argentina's foreign minister, Hector Timerman, was the first to put pen to paper when the signing ceremony opened at U.N. headquarters on Monday. There was a large round of applause after he affixed his signature to the document.
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World’s first binding treaty on conventional arms trade opens for signature at UN -- UN News Centre
More Than 60 Countries Sign Arms Trade Treaty -- Defense News/AFP
First UN Arms Trade Treaty Signed -- Voice of America
Over 60 countries sign Arms Trade Treaty -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
60 countries sign UN global arms treaty -- Voice of Russia
UK signs deal to control global arms trade -- The Guardian
U.S. Fails to Join Allies in Signing UN Arms Trade Treaty -- Bloomberg Businessweek
U.S. wavers on arms trade treaty at the U.N. -- CBS
Argentina's foreign minister, Hector Timerman, was the first to put pen to paper when the signing ceremony opened at U.N. headquarters on Monday. There was a large round of applause after he affixed his signature to the document.
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More News On The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
World’s first binding treaty on conventional arms trade opens for signature at UN -- UN News Centre
More Than 60 Countries Sign Arms Trade Treaty -- Defense News/AFP
First UN Arms Trade Treaty Signed -- Voice of America
Over 60 countries sign Arms Trade Treaty -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
60 countries sign UN global arms treaty -- Voice of Russia
UK signs deal to control global arms trade -- The Guardian
U.S. Fails to Join Allies in Signing UN Arms Trade Treaty -- Bloomberg Businessweek
U.S. wavers on arms trade treaty at the U.N. -- CBS
More Than 60 Countries Sign Arms Trade Treaty -- Defense News/AFP
First UN Arms Trade Treaty Signed -- Voice of America
Over 60 countries sign Arms Trade Treaty -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
60 countries sign UN global arms treaty -- Voice of Russia
UK signs deal to control global arms trade -- The Guardian
U.S. Fails to Join Allies in Signing UN Arms Trade Treaty -- Bloomberg Businessweek
U.S. wavers on arms trade treaty at the U.N. -- CBS
U.S. Delays Signing Arms Trade Treaty -- Wall Street Journal
Kerry says US will sign UN treaty on arms regulation despite lawmaker opposition -- FOX News
Brian Wood: A farewell to arms as 62 countries sign global Arms Trade Treaty -- The Independent
Why the U.S. isn't signing the U.N.'s global arms treaty -- Peter Weber, The Week
First UN Arms Trade Treaty Signed -- Voice of America
Over 60 countries sign Arms Trade Treaty -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
60 countries sign UN global arms treaty -- Voice of Russia
UK signs deal to control global arms trade -- The Guardian
U.S. Fails to Join Allies in Signing UN Arms Trade Treaty -- Bloomberg Businessweek
U.S. wavers on arms trade treaty at the U.N. -- CBS
U.S. Delays Signing Arms Trade Treaty -- Wall Street Journal
Kerry says US will sign UN treaty on arms regulation despite lawmaker opposition -- FOX News
Brian Wood: A farewell to arms as 62 countries sign global Arms Trade Treaty -- The Independent
Why the U.S. isn't signing the U.N.'s global arms treaty -- Peter Weber, The Week