Greatest Data Leak In US Military History As Wikileaks Releases 400,000 Documents

WikiLeaks Discloses Reports From Iraq -- Wall Street Journal

The WikiLeaks website on Friday released hundreds of thousands of classified low-level intelligence reports on the Iraq war, some of which outline Iraqi abuse of prisoners, previously unreported civilian deaths, and Iran's support for Shiite militias in Iraq.

The more than 390,000 Iraq war documents represent a new trove of classified data four times as large as the website's previous release of intelligence reports from the Afghanistan war.

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More News On Wikileaks Document Dump On The Iraq War

The Iraq Documents - New York Times
The Iraq War Logs - The Guardian
The Iraq War Logs: Greatest Data Leak in US Military History -- Der Spiegel

The Iraq Archive: The Strands of a War
-- New York Times
Iraq war logs: secret files show how US ignored torture -- The Guardian
WikiLeaks files show 'truth' on Iraq war: Assange -- Yahoo News/AFP
Files: Iraqi deaths higher than US count -- Yahoo News/AP
A Grim Portrait of Civilian Deaths in Iraq -- New York Times
WikiLeaks reveals thousands of previously unknown deaths -- CNN
Wikileaks: Death toll 15,000 above previous estimate -- The Telegraph
WikiLeaks: At Least 109,000 Killed During Iraq War -- ABC News
Website Claims 15,000 Unreported Iraq War Deaths -- Wall Street Journal
Wikileaks: UN calls for US to investigate torture claims revealed in leaked reports -- The Telegraph
Chemical Weapons, Iranian Agents and Massive Death Tolls Exposed in WikiLeaks’ Iraq Docs -- The Danger Room
WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results -- The Danger Room
Wikileaks posts thousands of classified U.S. documents on Iraq war -- L.A. Times
Leaked Reports Detail Iran’s Aid for Iraqi Militias -- New York Times
Iraq war logs: Iran accused of plotting attack on Green Zone -- The Guardian
Iran waging shadow war with coalition troops in Iraq, secret files show -- The Australian
Wikileaks: Iraq war logs 'reveal truth about conflict' -- BBC
Detainees Fared Worse in Iraqi Hands, Logs Say -- New York Times
Beaten, Shocked, Eyes Gouged: Iraq Abuse, WikiLeaked -- The Danger Room
WikiLeaks Releases Iraq War Logs -- Time Magazine
Iraqi officials vow to probe any abuse cases -- Reuters
Iraqi PM on the defense in WikiLeaks release -- Yahoo News/AP
Ministry of Defence criticises Wikileaks Iraq release -- BBC
Wikileaked -- Passport/Foreign Policy
Jazeera: Wikileaks Papers Show Iraq Torture, U.S. Killings -- Al Jazeera
Wikileaks: Civilians gunned down at checkpoints -- The Telegraph
Wikileaks: leaks reveal two cases of alleged abuse by British troops -- The Telegraph
British soldier 'killed Iraqi girl, 8, as she played': Explosive claims as Wikileaks publish US war files -- The Daily Mail
Iraq war leaks: No U.S. investigation of many abuses -- USA Today
WikiLeaks documents indicate U.S. forces failed to stop prisoner abuse by Iraqis -- L.A. Times
Wikileaks: Iraq War Logs show US ignored torture allegations -- The Telegraph
WikiLeaks: US hikers in Iran were 'forewarned' -- Al Jazeera
Hikers not in Iran when nabbed: WikiLeaks -- 9News
WikiLeaks Iraq: The 4 Most Shocking Revelations So Far -- AOL News
Five bombshells from WikiLeaks' Iraq war documents -- Christian Science Monitor
Iraq war logs: live reaction and WikiLeaks address -- The Guardian
Leaked Docs: War "Even Uglier Than We Thought" -- CBS News
Will Barack Obama admit extent of Iran's role in Iraq, laid bare by WikiLeaks? -- The Telegraph opinion
Opinion mixed on significance of WikiLeaks’ latest revelations -- Globe And Mail opinion
WikiLeaks Documents Open To Interpretation -- NPR

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