By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, November 30, 2005 The Elephant in the Room We Dare Not Speak Of Blognomicon links us to a Sheboygan Press opinion piece by Gun Week senior editor Dave Workman , who writes: Aside from the vast disparity ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:15 AM CITGO Replies I got a form reply to my open letter about CITGO , where the station attendant did not allow a woman customer to call 911 after she had been...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:12 AM But It STILL Wasn't Enough Micayla Ellis' mother took the suggested precautions with a gun in her home - she locked it up, hid the key and put the ammunition in di...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:10 AM Car-Jackers Target Luxury Vehicle Owners at Gun-Point A GANG of armed "car-jackers" has been targeting the drivers of luxury vehicles in Glasgow it emerged yesterday, after Strathclyde...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, November 29, 2005 Shameless Plug: Beware of Moles When it comes to picking a gun group to support, it clearly pays to do a little checking first. If you’re going to join AHSA, you might as ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:10 AM Last Stop on the 2005 "Black Arrow" Book Tour! Vin will be signing books Saturday afternoon, Dec. 3 in the Shotgun News booth, at the Small Arms Review Gun Show Arizona State Fairgrounds ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:05 AM How Could THIS Happen? The man displayed a handgun and at first robbed the woman. He then assaulted her. Outrageous. Didn't he know that Wisconsin doesn't ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:00 AM Woman Charged With Handgun "Offense" “She always has a gun ... in her purse at all times,” Thompson said. “She was going to the tax office to discuss a tax bill.” What kind of t...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, November 28, 2005 Felons With Firearms Compelling commentary and news link from Fish Or Man . Go read.
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:13 AM So What's the Problem Here? A GOVERNMENT agency is launching an inquiry into doctors’ reports that up to 50 babies a year are born alive after botched National Health S...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:45 AM I Believe in the Second Amendment, BUT... Congratulations, Charles Laramie ! You've just won the WarOnGuns' coveted Judas Goat Award ! Schumer and Feinstein both say they b...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:15 AM We're the Only Ones Dru--I Mean, Professional Enough... A police officer who was fired after showing up for work under the influence of alcohol shot a gun at police during a five-hour standoff...G...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:04 AM Columbus Murder Rate Near 100 [BugmeNot log-ons:, wally] But just wait--the impact of that "assault weapon" ban is going to kick in any day...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:56 AM Bill of Rights Day Celebration Tina Terry invites folks who can make it to celebrate Bill of Rights Day in Payson/Diamond Star/Rim Country, AZ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, November 27, 2005 People for the American Way When the parents of 14 year-old Alycia Brown of La Crosse Wisconsin found out their daughter was sexually active, ; they put her on birth co...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:11 AM Why "Gun Control" Works So Well in Baltimore Thieves are sawing down aluminum light poles. Some 130 have vanished from Baltimore's streets in the last several weeks, authorities say...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:36 AM Nailing It What is it with nail guns lately? In Florida , it seems they are just as possessed, evil and capable of independent acts of malice as the ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:28 AM When Guns Are Outlawed... A gun battle between rival prison gangs in an overcrowded western Mexico penitentiary injured eight inmates, authorities said Saturday. Dang...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:25 AM SF Struggles to Keep Up With Gang Gun Returns After San Francisco voters banned guns in the most recent election, city officials say they are struggling to keep up with the massive amoun...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:21 AM A Man for All Seasonings WARNING: Site has "adult" content advertising. Interesting video. So much for relying on pepper spray to disable an attacker, no...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, November 26, 2005 Current Gunshot Residue Forensics are Rubbish Interesting.
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:57 AM Words Have Meaning Although Congress had prohibited both the possession and transfer of automatic firearms, as Judge Alito noted in his opinion, only the pro...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:51 AM .50 Caliber Frauds That kind of power has drawn a customer base of gun enthusiasts, Hollywood actors..."It's like, what does a 55-year-old man do with...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:35 AM "Reform" BATFU? Finally---I've said this before, and will say it again---the ATF is not immune to Congressional pressures and concerns, and at the end o...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:13 AM The Left Lane is for Pacing It is bad enough that said bastard is camping in the left hand lane, but to add insult to injury the Metro is overtaking the other two cars ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, November 25, 2005 Shock and Awe My senses were assaulted the other day while in the supermarket checkout line by the usual smut passing for celebrity tabloids and "wom...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:44 AM Canadians to Galaxy: Disarm, Eh? Seeing how well this policy has worked locally, the Canadians, the UN, Alfred E. Neuman understudy Dennis Kucinich , and even a Nobel Peace ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:34 AM "We're Your Neighbor" Blognomicon tells us of a Gary, IN woman robbed at knifepoint at a CITGO station--and the clerk refused to dial 911! If you have a blog, p...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:56 AM Doing the Math in Gun-Free Schools A high school math teacher was arrested after she brought an unloaded revolver onto school grounds in her vehicle... Barbara A. Rhoads , a m...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:51 AM We're the Only Ones Pro...Oh, Hell, Not AGAIN... Easton police have launched an internal investigation after a sergeant left his loaded department-issued handgun in a bathroom at the Lone S...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:48 AM Nothing Like a False Sense of Security Some gun locks handed out for free by the San Mateo Police Department as part of a gun safety program may be defective...According to the l...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:33 AM Brazil's Police 'Execute Thousands' For Peace Hundreds, possibly thousands of people are shot by police every year in Brazil, a BBC investigation has found. Yet ten Nobel Peace Laureate...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, November 24, 2005 Night of the Evil Butterball Attacks by roving flocks of wild turkeys are on the increase around suburban Boston-- AP Time was, the turkey was considered a game bird. Th...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, November 23, 2005 MSU Professors Link Hunting With Sexual Violence Three female Michigan State University professors studied the magazine "Traditional Bowhunter," and concluded that hunting is a fo...
By Daniel Nainggolan 2:06 PM Escapes Add to Concerns for Sheriff The number of inmates escaping from Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department custody has doubled over the last two years, and prosecutors...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:49 AM The Judas Goat But the cruel wretch said, "Then I will eat all Noman's comrades before Noman himself, and will keep Noman for the last. This is th...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:25 AM A Peace Message From Stanley "Tookie" Williams To disarm is the ultimate gesture of peace and a true moment of reckoning. Tookie, co-founder of the Crips, is on death row awaiting a Decem...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:07 AM A Defense Gone Bad The man who was critically wounded during Sunday's shooting rampage at Tacoma Mall drew a pistol and confronted the gunman before he was...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, November 22, 2005 What Do You Want To Bet... ...if it had been some sweaty, hairy guy instead of a hot-looking blonde, some hard time (no pun intended) would have been served?
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:38 PM SF Anticipates Utter Failure of Handgun Ban Toll collectors at San Francisco's landmark Golden Gate Bridge have been issued body armor to guard against armed bandits.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:22 AM South African "Gun Owners In For a Shock" Owners of firearms are set for a rude awakening early next year. According to the Central Firearm's Register those who fail to comply wi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:04 AM How Many Guns Is Too Many? Chris Tietgens ...has a room full of firearms as part of his personal collection. The Leominster resident has firearms that date back to the...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:03 AM L.A. Prisoner Killed in Chow Line An inmate was stomped to death after he cut in front of two gang members in a dinner line...The attackers spent 10 to 15 minutes beating and...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, November 21, 2005 At Metro, Some Crimes Don't Count Metro transit officials undercount serious crime at the region's 86 rail stations, leaving dozens of assaults, robberies and other major...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:12 AM Give That Man a Badge Russell Rosa ...was showing a friend a .41 caliber Ruger pistol...and pulled the hammer back to check if the gun was loaded... It was.
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:59 AM We're the Only Ones Pro...BDDDDDDDDDDDDDD... Panic gripped passengers at Jammu railway station this morning when the rifle of a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) trooper went off acci...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, November 20, 2005 Oh, THAT Explains It... The Republican-controlled Congress helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise on Friday, then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social pr...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:31 AM National Ammo Day in the News Your search - "National ammo day" - did not match any documents. Gun bloggers have been real good about letting the 2A community k...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:48 AM Armed Standoff On Rio Grande U.S. Border Patrol agents were backed down this week by armed men, dressed in what appeared to be Mexican military uniforms and carrying mil...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:42 AM Why Does Anyone NEED an AK-47? Not every day passes without confrontation, however. He recounted several gunfights with the "coyotes", including one occasion whe...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:25 AM We're the Only Ones Pro...You Found WHAT? A Quincy police officer lost his department-issued gun apparently after driving away without realizing he had placed the weapon on the roof ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:23 AM We're the Only Ones Pro...Gone? What Do You Mean It's Gone? The Columbia police SWAT team is missing one of its guns, and the department is still trying to track down both the weapon and the person wh...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:21 AM We're the Only Ones Pro...Hey! Give That Back! Police are looking for a man who stole the gun of a Jefferson County sheriff deputy Friday afternoon. [ NOTE: Since posting this, all link...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:19 AM When Guns Are Outlawed... A search that was launched after a bullet was discovered in a jail's metal shop uncovered more than a dozen homemade weapons, officials ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:06 AM "Of Course, I Carry a Gun. People Want to Kill Me." It doesn't get more basic than that. Those arrests are then followed by vigorous prosecution, Green said. His office has adopted a ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:44 AM "A Victory For Home Rule" Congress approved the District's 2006 budget yesterday, including more than $100 million in federal aid...But what made city leaders hap...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:12 AM What Can Brown Do For You? Four former UPS workers have pleaded guilty to conspiracy to sell stolen handguns in what federal officials are calling one of the largest g...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, November 19, 2005 Viva Zapatos! The high-top sneakers cost $215 at a San Diego boutique, but the designer is giving them away to migrants before they cross to this side of ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:51 AM Count the Hysterical Pejoratives Gee, Tony Aiello , nobody's calling you a spaghetti bender... We've seen this kind of "reporting" before.
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:45 AM Quick Request for Macintosh Users A guy sent me a screen shot of a WarOnGuns piece as it appeared on his Macintosh--apostrophes and quotation marks come out as weird symbols...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:32 AM "I Think They Should Be Armed" Yeah, no kidding, Sherlock. And so should the people. [Thanks to Dan Gifford ]
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, November 18, 2005 Go, Johnny, Go Hollywood star JOHNNY DEPP is so shocked by the riots raging through France, he's considering abandoning his home in the country Heh.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:53 AM Prof Urges Fragging of U.S. Officers English professor John Daly replied: "Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors"...Daly'...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:32 AM Device Invented to Keep Politicians Off Planes Tested in Russia, the two-stage GK-1 voice analyzer requires that passengers don headphones at a console and answer "yes" or ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:04 AM When "Professionals" Collide An off-duty Arlington County police officer wielding a handgun and threatening to commit suicide was shot and wounded by a Prince William Co...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:46 AM House Moves To Stop Gun Loss The House overwhelmingly passed a resolution Thursday that asks the Legislature to consider a bill that would let people keep their guns dur...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:40 AM Rally Demands Tighter PA. Gun Laws "Normalcy in Camden will continue to be threatened as long as illegal guns continue to flow into the city" from Philadelphia, said...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, November 17, 2005 Gun's Role Made Story Much Uglier When David Ludwig went to speak with the Bordens Sunday morning, he carried a gun. He brought it from home. In Lancaster County, as in much ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:32 AM Alcohol, Guns Shouldn't Mix... ...unless it's at an FBI range and they're partying with pro football players. Before the players left the barbecue, a fight broke o...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:26 AM "No Offence" The Minister for Defence, Willie O'Dea , has said he did not intend to offend anyone by pointing a gun at a camera and smiling for the m...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:10 AM Build a Man a Fire... ...and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life-- Terry Pratchett A leading Brazilian ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:59 AM Stop the Senseless Police Killings LESS than two weeks after the killing of five civilians, including two school children in Kisumu, our policemen last Friday turned their gun...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, November 16, 2005 The Hart-Rudman Militia I received an email request from a fellow activist seeking to pin down the origins of the Department of Homeland Security . One of the plac...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:47 AM Bush Hails Taiwan As Model of Freedom Of course he does. Instead of a Bill of Rights, the Taiwanese constitution lists "Rights and Duties of the People." No, of course...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:45 AM Criminals Violate Post Office Gun Ban! The robbers tied up the employees at gunpoint before filling the mail bags with cash, then making their getaway. What the hell is wrong with...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:44 AM We're STILL the Only Ones ProfessioBLAM! Sheriff’s spokesman Tom Reedy said the officers were preparing for the training about 8:35 a.m. when Clark’s Glock pistol discharged. All by...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Lacking in Delivery Publicola has more on pizza chain disarmament .
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:16 AM San Francisco's Pointless Handgun Ban But an ordinance that seeks to reduce the murder rate by disarming those owners who are not criminals makes about as much sense as fighting ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:03 AM Policeman's Rifle Goes Off, Kills Teacher The purpose of the visit was to acquaint the students with the working of the police force, school authorities said. Then I'd say the vi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:50 AM "Be Cool, Don't Let Guns Rule" That's the slogan for a gun avoidance conditioning campaign being foisted on public skool kidz by Williamson County, TN, authorities wit...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:50 AM Thank Goodness This Never Happens Here One of their key witnesses, Constable Brown testified that on the night of May 7, 2003, he saw SSP Adams planting a nine millimetre pistol a...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, November 14, 2005 Gun Loophole Is Closed By Mother's Campaign THE LEGAL loophole that allowed the killer of Leeds police officer Ian Broadhurst to produce home-made bullets is set to be shut tight by MP...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:52 AM PTA Calls For Gadgets At Gun Fights Taking its first official position on the use of stun guns, the Florida PTA is calling for the devices to be used only as an alternative to ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:48 AM Forrester Blames Bush For NJ Loss Doug Forrester , in his first postelection interview, laid the blame for his loss in the governor's race last week directly at the feet ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 11:15 AM Psychotic Killer Gun Stalked Streets of Hartford... search of new blood. Thank God they stopped it before it claimed yet another victim. Maybe it came from the New Orleans PD . Meanwhil...
By Daniel Nainggolan 10:47 AM Just Let Me See If I've Got This Straight... Schoolchildren in the UK are too young to handle the teacher's pen , but not too young to handle the teacher's pen... Never mind.
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:12 AM The Big Sleazy A former New Orleans police officer who resigned from the force after being accused of abandoning his post during the Hurricane Katrina cris...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:46 AM Best Of All, NRA Did Not Object To It Under the new law, any individual against whom a PFA order has been issued may be ordered to surrender all firearms. The weapons may be sold...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:34 AM How Pizza Hut's "No Guns" Policy Pans Out Police in Casselberry, Fla., are searching for two men who stormed into a Pizza Hut and pistol-whipped a manager during a robbery of the bus...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, November 12, 2005 Which Eye Disease Are You? Some new internet quizzes are making the rounds on blogs I frequent. I see Jed is "Special Ops" and Len is "Maximus....
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:38 AM Well There's You, and Then There's US... Blognomicon links us to the news that: State Senator Juan Hinojosa won't be facing gun charges after he was arrested at an airport carr...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:22 AM If We Can Child-Proof Medicine Bottles... Fountain pens are too dangerous for children under the age of 14, the British Standards Institution says. After decades when young pupils w...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:30 AM 115 Register Bibles Before New Ban Takes Effect [I got to this story through the Columbus Dispatch main page. I noted after posting the link will not work without paid registration. Bottom...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:43 AM "If Something Happens, They Will Protect Us..." "...and they're there in case something breaks out or something." Yes, Ashley, of course they will. Just like when something ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, November 11, 2005 At Wachovia, We Make Banking By Phone Easy [Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration.] In northern Virginia the police say they're looking for a woman who's been holding up ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:00 AM And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions... Should victims of gun violence be able to sue gun-based organizations in Wisconsin?
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:38 AM Get Gummi Bears and an Icee or Die Tryin' The new 50 Cent movie "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" has been pulled from a theater where a man was fatally shot... Shelton Flowers ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:36 AM Dimwits Who Keep Loaded Weapons With Kids in the House Jacquielynn Floyd acts like the story of Susan Gaylord Buxton is the first time she's heard of someone defending themself with a gun. ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, November 10, 2005 What They Really Mean By "Common Sense" Urban areas such as Chicago have more restrictive laws for gun transportation. If the state government had been put in charge of such laws, ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:52 AM Martin Unveils Plan to Combat Gun Crime Let me guess: more gun control and social programs. Because that approach has always worked so well in the past...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, November 9, 2005 Important Reminder for SF Gun Owners If you're a gun owner who lives in San Francisco, attorney Gary W. Gorski wants to hear from you.
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:09 AM French Killing African-Americans! Hard to say because it's been 11 days since two African- American teenagers were killed, electrocuted during a police chase, which promp...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:39 AM Are You Connected? By virtue of the fact that you're reading this, you obviously are. But it's surprising (and disappointing) how many gun owners spen...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:50 AM First Do No Harm If you had a funny noise in your engine, who would you go to? A pediatrician, right? Same with a ghosting problem on your new plasma TV--yo...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, November 8, 2005 "A Republic, If You Can Keep It" We apparently can't. Most have betrayed the founding principles for the false promise of "democracy." The majority of our cou...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:51 AM Leave Our Chains Alone! Unless respect for the rights of D.C. residents to make their own laws -- and common sense about gun safety -- prevails on Capitol Hill, by ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:43 AM More Anti-Defense Propaganda Sometimes I wonder--are Establishment reporters really evil, really stupid, or a combination of both? This "report" is essentially...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:07 AM From the Department of Stupid Acronyms Teaching young people how to make good choices is the focus of the new program called EKG, or Educating Kids about Gun Violence. So why isn...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, November 7, 2005 Oh, the Humanity! Music icon Madonna recently had a bad experience while hunting, which has left her so shaken, that she has vowed never to pick up a gun aga...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:17 AM Ontario Calls for Tougher Gun laws Of course they do. They have no idea how to address the real issues behind violent crime, and they have to say something ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:58 AM Trust Busters Jon Corzine doesn't trust YOU. And his wife of 33 years doesn't trust HIM. But it's not like Doug Forrester deserves trust, ei...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, November 6, 2005 Prosecutor's Office Holds 2nd Gun Surrender Our enemies are getting bolder--they're no longer calling them "buybacks." They're calling them what they are--a surrende...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:07 AM Analogies GunShowOnTheNet compares the rights thieves to termites: They are an infestation that works unceasingly at nibbling away valuable structure...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:46 AM Machine-Gun Toting Pirates Attack Ship And the cruise ship got lucky--they were able to outrun their pursuers. What about repelling attackers? Sorry. Per the International Marit...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:14 AM All in the Line of Duty As mentioned in the post below , attorney Gary W. Gorski is looking for plaintiffs against the San Francisco gun ban, which will probably pa...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:00 AM SF Plaintiffs Wanted From attorney Gary W. Gorski : I’m looking for SF City Residents to act as Plaintiff’s for the SF Gun Ban which will take effect. I need vo...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, November 5, 2005 A 5-Day Wait: For Stun Guns??? Imposed courtesy of the Miami-Dade County Commissioners , whose motto is "Putting the People's Business First." These are the ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:56 AM "The Gun Charges Are a Ruse" A blogger who criticised the Libyan government online has been imprisoned for 18 months, according to Human Rights Watch. A Tripoli court co...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:39 AM Toronto Launches New Gun Amnesty City police have launched another gun amnesty program aimed at curbing gun violence. This time, the only incentive offered is knowing you di...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:25 AM Another Meaningless Poll Sorry, but we don't have enough information to justify either the question or these results. This reflects nothing so much as wishful t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:14 AM PSYCHO-Analysis "The dissent in the Rybar case reflects a passive-aggressive approach to judicial review... So the headcases who blame innimate object...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:03 AM Thank You... Cryptic Subterranean and Many of Whom Are Insane for the kind words for WarOnGuns .
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:00 AM U2CAN B A U-seful Idiot U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and teens from UCAN joined forces to release the results of the 2005 UCAN Teen Gun Survey, a national survey of te...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, November 3, 2005 No I Won't Back Down Gonna stand my ground . [Via SayUncle ]
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:32 AM Former Cop Drops Suit Against Glock Holland said his gun was disabled after it was hit by a bullet... See, if they'd manufactured it on the planet Krypton, this wouldn'...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:28 AM Mayor Blames Rap for Gun Deaths And here Sarah's been telling us the guns are to blame... Just so we don't cast aspersions on individuals and the choices they make...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:16 AM Tank Johnson Punished for Exercising His Right Another account says he was ratted out by the valet at the Excalibur . The webpage for their parent company, Aceplaces , looks pretty tellin...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:57 AM Is Kilgore Making Peace With VCDL? I thought they'd had a falling out . In re the hysterics of the Bradys, we can have all the liquor we want at home--where by definition,...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:45 AM "Alito's Views Could Imperil Most Federal Gun, Ammo, and Explosives Laws" Here's hoping...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, November 2, 2005 Is BATFU Keeping Gun Transfer Records? Jed has some questions that deserve answers.
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:01 AM It's Your Civic Duty Stockpiling supplies and developing family response plans in case disaster strikes not only might save lives — it's also a civic duty, H...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:24 AM A Warning From the Past READERS OF GUNS: Take a good look at our Second Amendment. Good weapons keep men free; when you forget that, tyranny increases. --From South...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:17 AM Forrester Hit on Gun Control Not hard enough, if you ask me. If this weasel is the best the Republicans have to offer, they deserve to lose.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:09 AM A Matter of Occupation A state appellate panel Tuesday upheld a lower court ruling that Asbury Park did not have the authority to allow Police Director Louis Jorda...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:02 AM The Play's the Thing And all the world's a stage. "A Mother, a Daughter and a Gun" looks like it's so stupid even other liberals hate it.
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:59 AM "A Hapless Toad" For John Roberts , it was a "hapless toad'' in the path of a California housing development that represented the limits of the ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:54 AM "A Real Winner"? Gun Owners of America is effusive in its praise of Samuel Alito . Some are not so enamored. Mike B. has some concerns that merit scrutiny (...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, November 1, 2005 You're Either With Us or Against Us "There isn't really any middle ground on this issue," State Police Director Larry Trent said at a news conference Tuesday. ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:44 PM Free the Internet Jason at Leave Us Alone! urges support for a petition amending HR1606 to exempt bloggers from FEC regulation. If they're voting tomor...
By Daniel Nainggolan 11:46 AM Knife-Wielding Man Slashes At Four Outside White House Beck said that shortly before noon, a man slashed at four persons, who called for help from a police officer patrolling in Lafayette Park, j...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:20 AM NEW! I've got a little flashing "New" thingie on my blogroll courtesy of Curtis Stone . Thanks Curtis! I've got it set to las...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:05 AM 50 Cent Defends Controversial Gun Poster The film's director, Jim Sheridan , agreed that people were making too much of the poster, and that people need to focus on real guns, ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:01 AM Cops and Robbers D.C Police say the reason an armed Special Police Officer, who eventually pleaded guilty to robbing a couple in Georgetown, was allowed to c...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:52 AM Cop Loses Gun At Donut Shop We're the only ones jellied, glazed, filled, powdered and frosted enough to eat donuts and be trusted with guns at the same time. You ca...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:44 AM Registration Part Of Gun Control AT WORK! Registration is critical to allowing police to track guns back to their legal owners when they fall into the wrong hands...Now if you want t...