"Delhi has a total of around 60,000 licensed revolvers, but the number of people keeping illegal revolvers would be at least 10 times more," says former CBI chief Joginder Singh.You sound like you're speaking from personal experience, Joggy old sport. So what you're saying is, if enough people disobey your stupid laws, you're essentially helpless to stop it?
He says, "weapon gives a sense of power to a person, much more than his physical power."
Citizen noncompliance with disarmament edicts...where have I heard that recommended before...?
I love the way they characterize "the majority of gun criminals" as murderers with conflict resolution issues. Seems to me if that was the case, and based on their own numbers, India would have millions of murders each year. It couldn't be that the vast majority of those violating India's gun edicts just wish to protect themselves...?