From Declan:
UPDATE--Here are my comments:

David, I watched the opening session of the Virginia Tech Review Panel, and it opened with comments from Gov. Kaine and Vir. Tech President Charles Steger. This doesn't look good for gun owners. The Governor asked the panel to look at all aspects of the shooting and the subsequent response by the college and State, he made no mention of VT's ban on concealed carry. Steger spoke briefly and about how vast the campus was and the huge task of protecting VT's staff and students, again no mention of the college ban on concealed carry. He was then given an incomprehensibly gushing kudos from the panel chairman, how objective could anyone on the panel be after hearing that?
Maybe you could let your readers know about this site and ask them to post their comments there.
UPDATE--Here are my comments:

Why don’t you consider the fact that Virginia Tech policy prohibits firearms on campus—even for concealed weapon permit holders—important enough to discuss?
Why do I watch and listen in vain to find any reference to a bill that never made it out of committee that would have changed that? Why did Virginia Tech Associate VP of University Relations Larry Hincken say the death of the bill that would have allowed adult students and faculty the means to defend themselves made him “happy”?
Why did Hincken pen an editorial reply on The Roanoake Times ridiculing the concept of peaceable people keeping and bearing arms on campus?
Why are these hearings silent on these matters?
We all know the only thing that stopped Cho was a bullet. That no one was able to stop him sooner is on your consciences, or should be.