We will be offering ammunition at a discounted rate that day. Anyone buying 5 boxes or more of ammo (22 LR is excluded) will receive a copy of the JPFO Documentary The Gang.
That's great, Ryan--thank you.
And there's more:
A Keyboard and a .45 says Dallas Tactical Supplies will offer "FREE shipping and handling on all holsters purchased on August 28th. Just mention National Exercise Your Rights Day in the comments section of the online order form."
Captain of a Crew of One has recruited two Norfok, VA participants: Bob's Gun Shop ("offering 10% off on accessories and gun safes to anyone who mentions National Exercise Your Rights Day") and Shooter's Inc. ("offering free range passes to the first ten people who mention National Exercise Your Rights Day").
This is a good start--please keep the momentum going by emailing your gun-owning friends, informing your gun clubs and organizations, asking bloggers you frequent to mention this, and ESPECIALLY by contacting gun shops and shooting ranges you patronize and asking them to come on board.
Please keep me informed of any more businesses that agree to participate and I'll give them a plug. One caveat: please include contact info for that business so I can verify if needed. We don't need some mole signing up businesses for an event they're not even aware of as a way of sabotaging this.
Meanwhile, thank you to all the blogs, forums and websites that have mentioned this so far. I'd like to put together an "Honor Roll" to include everyone who takes part in this, but am actually hoping the list will grow so big that I won't be able to keep up with
This is a good start--please keep the momentum going by emailing your gun-owning friends, informing your gun clubs and organizations, asking bloggers you frequent to mention this, and ESPECIALLY by contacting gun shops and shooting ranges you patronize and asking them to come on board.
Please keep me informed of any more businesses that agree to participate and I'll give them a plug. One caveat: please include contact info for that business so I can verify if needed. We don't need some mole signing up businesses for an event they're not even aware of as a way of sabotaging this.
Meanwhile, thank you to all the blogs, forums and websites that have mentioned this so far. I'd like to put together an "Honor Roll" to include everyone who takes part in this, but am actually hoping the list will grow so big that I won't be able to keep up with
This is a good start--please keep the momentum going by emailing your gun-owning friends, informing your gun clubs and organizations, asking bloggers you frequent to mention this, and ESPECIALLY by contacting gun shops and shooting ranges you patronize and asking them to come on board.
Please keep me informed of any more businesses that agree to participate and I'll give them a plug. One caveat: please include contact info for that business so I can verify if needed. We don't need some mole signing up businesses for an event they're not even aware of as a way of sabotaging this.
Meanwhile, thank you to all the blogs, forums and websites that have mentioned this so far. I'd like to put together an "Honor Roll" to include everyone who takes part in this, but am actually hoping the list will grow so big that I won't be able to keep up with it.
Please keep me informed of any more businesses that agree to participate and I'll give them a plug. One caveat: please include contact info for that business so I can verify if needed. We don't need some mole signing up businesses for an event they're not even aware of as a way of sabotaging this.
Meanwhile, thank you to all the blogs, forums and websites that have mentioned this so far. I'd like to put together an "Honor Roll" to include everyone who takes part in this, but am actually hoping the list will grow so big that I won't be able to keep up with it.
UPDATE from KABA Newslinks Comments:
I work at Panther City Firearms in Ft Worth Texas and have the Aug 12th Fort worth Star Telegram posted in our shop. Aug 28 needs to be a nation wide message to our so called leaders in Congress. So ask for Darrell and mention this site I will discount my AR-15s,30 rd mags and ammo all day Aug 28, 9am till 6. Call me at 817-731-2065. God Bless and Happy shooting.