Now we are upon the subject of Grievances, I am constrained to observe, that I have a variety of Accounts, not only from Prisoners who have made their escape, but from persons who have left Philadelphia, that our Private Soldiers in your hands, are treated in a manner shocking to humanity, and that many of them must have perished thro' hunger, had it not been for the charitable contributions of the Inhabitants. It is added in aggravation, that this Treatment is to Oblige them to inlist in the Corps you are raising. The Friends of these unhappy men, call daily upon me for their relief, and the people at large insist on retaliating upon those in our possession. Justice demands it. However before I would proceed to a measure my feelings recoil at, I thought it right to mention the facts to you, and I would propose, that I may be allowed to send a suitable person into the city, under the usual restrictions, to examine into the Truth of them.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007