I like guns and, if I could own one, I would.
I'd like to be able to defend myself from gun-wielding nutters like you. You know, pop a cap in yo' ass.
Now I'm in for it. Let's see, if I was going to follow the example of our brave and loyal opposition, now that a "death threat" of sorts has been made, I'd have to close down this blog and erase my tracks.
Wasn't that his rationale...? Still, I wonder why he hasn't shared links to the threats he claims he received...?
This is even more specific than threatening to "snuff out" somebody, and look at all the brouhaha that caused. It's not like anyone can claim they don't know what "pop a cap in yo' ass" means...
And this is being done in "support" of a CeaseFire PA director, an organization that purportedly exists solely to reduce "gun violence"? What did the one [other?] troll say? Oh, yeah, "Why is it so few Americans do irony?"
I don't know, pal. Why don't you tell me?
Good thing I'm not the type to let my imagination run wild. Otherwise, I might think there's some connection, aside from the fact that people--regardless of the issue or which "side" they consider themselves to be on--who make anonymous threats share the trait of employing despicable and cowardly tactics. Which should surprise no one.
There's one other thing that could come up, so I'll just head it off before it does. Some may claim I posted the comment myself, or had a friend do it for me. Yeah, but there are a couple things that could make such a move dangerous to me: If the threatened litigation occurs, depositions with penalties for perjury will be made, and it's even conceivable that computer forensics experts will be retained. I'd imagine a lie would be pretty easy to expose and the consequences would be severe.
As for reporting this to the "authorities," I would if I seriously thought it would not be an overreaction to something I can handle myself. That said, there is nothing to stop any of you from reporting
There's one other thing that could come up, so I'll just head it off before it does. Some may claim I posted the comment myself, or had a friend do it for me. Yeah, but there are a couple things that could make such a move dangerous to me: If the threatened litigation occurs, depositions with penalties for perjury will be made, and it's even conceivable that computer forensics experts will be retained. I'd imagine a lie would be pretty easy to expose and the consequences would be severe.
As for reporting this to the "authorities," I would if I seriously thought it would not be an overreaction to something I can handle myself. That said, there is nothing to stop any of you from reporting this link to whatever agency you see fit, and if so, I'll cooperate fully with any investigation. And those are people you don't lie to unless you're prepared to go to jail. Again, I don't believe the snotty "pop a cap in yo' ass" comment rises to the level of a credible threat that would merit that, but I can't stop anyone who disagrees with me from doing what they think is right.
My bottom line: After exploiting it to show the mindset of our "ideological opponents," I laugh stuff like this off and press on. And I simply don't believe anyone who says this is the reason he took his blogs and profiles down and erased all records of them. I don't believe that for a minute.