Darfur War May Explode into Full-Scale Genocide -- Breitbart
Darfur war may explode again soon into full-scale genocide
Violent protests by hundreds of students in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, were broken up by police using heavy teargas on Wednesday. The increasingly potent protests, four days so far, were protesting the mysterious deaths of four deaths on December 7 of four Darfuri students, and the disappearance of two others. The bodies of the dead students were found in a canal after they went missing following their participation staged by students from Darfur to protest the university's tuition increases, in violation of their own signed agreements.
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My Comment: The Sudanese leaders who organized the first genocidal campaign are still in power and have not been held accountable for their past actions. There is no reason why one should doubt that they will go back to their original playbook on how to handle such rebellions .... especially since they now know international reactions to their crimes will be mute at best.