About 100 supporters of the measure lay on the Capitol lawn to honor the victims of gun violence, as about 200 opponents stood nearby, holding signs that read, "Here Lie Disarmed Victims."Any time the antis want to stage an event where we get two times the representation is fine in my book.
Don't you just love the absolute separation from reality by Colin Goddard? He experienced utter helplessness, useless to himself and all others, and saw first-hand what placing "full trust" in the police got him. What kind of "man" would actually prefer to be a pathetic victim?
I just can't muster any sympathy for volunteers.
[Via SameNoKami]
UPDATE: Nicki weighs in, and as usual, she's a lot nicer, more diplomatic and genteel than crude old me, as she rips what's left of this gentle little boy's guts out and smears them all over the walls. But she does it real nice and lady-like, with extended pinkies.