The "professionals" have made it clear that police are "the Only Ones" who should be armed on college campuses.
Let's explore that with a school shooting from not so long ago, at a university that agrees with that policy, Case Western Reserve. [Really? You can't even have kitchen utensils?]
Understand that it took the police seven hours from the initial sound of gunfire to gain control of the situation.
Understand that the initial armed responders fled the scene, allowing the assailant to take control of the building:
Let's begin our little photo essay joining "Dateline NBC," already in progress:

Note the assumptions. Defending yourself isn't even considered worth mentioning.
So let's see what the people who do have guns are doing while the unarmed people who depend on them--the ones hiding and running and calling for help and staying as quiet as possible are doing just that--for hour, after hour, after hour...But before we do, let's get a bit of media bias out of the way:
Note the voice-over for the scary gun picture 2 minutes and 50 seconds into the video: "...a volley of automatic gunfire..."
The killer was reported to be armed with a 9mm Cobray semiautomatic pistol.
OK, on to our montage. Can you spot what all these pictures have in common?

In fairness, not all the cops stayed protected. According to MSNBC, these guys arrived 20 minutes after the shooting started and entered the building "under the gaze of an entire city":

Meanwhile, those inside had to wait another six-and-a-half HOURS for the situation to end.
Because what did we see when the "Only Ones" did initially encounter the armed lunatic? Look quickly--it's at 12 minutes and 19 seconds into the 12 minute and 25 second video, and only lasts a few seconds:

Really? That's what they teach when you have a clear shot and vice-versa, to immediately TURN YOUR BACK on your assailant and run?
Well, it worked. They were safe. Anybody want to trust that it will also work for you?
What's amazing is how far this country has strayed from its founding principles to where we are even having this debate.
Let's explore that with a school shooting from not so long ago, at a university that agrees with that policy, Case Western Reserve. [Really? You can't even have kitchen utensils?]
Understand that it took the police seven hours from the initial sound of gunfire to gain control of the situation.
Understand that the initial armed responders fled the scene, allowing the assailant to take control of the building:
Then you can see campus police arriving on the scene. They throw themselves at the wall, scrambling for cover as Halder starts shooting at themYou can see what happened for yourself. Go here and click "Launch."
Halder was firing so aggressively, according to Sergeant Daniel Stein, that he and his partner retreated outside behind some parked cars to check each other for bullet wounds.
Let's begin our little photo essay joining "Dateline NBC," already in progress:

What would you do--hide or run? Pick up a phone to call for help or stay as quiet as possible?
Note the assumptions. Defending yourself isn't even considered worth mentioning.
So let's see what the people who do have guns are doing while the unarmed people who depend on them--the ones hiding and running and calling for help and staying as quiet as possible are doing just that--for hour, after hour, after hour...But before we do, let's get a bit of media bias out of the way:
Note the voice-over for the scary gun picture 2 minutes and 50 seconds into the video: "...a volley of automatic gunfire..."
The killer was reported to be armed with a 9mm Cobray semiautomatic pistol.
OK, on to our montage. Can you spot what all these pictures have in common?

In fairness, not all the cops stayed protected. According to MSNBC, these guys arrived 20 minutes after the shooting started and entered the building "under the gaze of an entire city":

Meanwhile, those inside had to wait another six-and-a-half HOURS for the situation to end.
Because what did we see when the "Only Ones" did initially encounter the armed lunatic? Look quickly--it's at 12 minutes and 19 seconds into the 12 minute and 25 second video, and only lasts a few seconds:

Really? That's what they teach when you have a clear shot and vice-versa, to immediately TURN YOUR BACK on your assailant and run?
Well, it worked. They were safe. Anybody want to trust that it will also work for you?
What's amazing is how far this country has strayed from its founding principles to where we are even having this debate.